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A new start for an Old Building

The Old School Village Centre, formerly known as the Bradwell Community Centre, has been a central part of the Bradwell community since it was built in 1841.

It began life as a school – and there are some in Bradwell who remember attending it. The school closed in 1961.

In 1975 it was purchased by a charitable trust, became a community centre and for many years was a hub of the community

After some years of decline it is now creating a new future – still as a community centre but with a new name and new modern facilities.

The OLD SCHOOL VILLAGE CENTRE, BRADWELL aims to restore its role as an active hub at the heart of the community.

During the Covid lockdown, a small ‘bubble’ of workers, took the opportunity to improve the centre. They worked on transforming key aspects of the place, without changing its essential heritage or character. Gone are the well worn and used toilets and small, tired kitchen to be replaced with modern clean and inviting facilities – including an enlarged kitchen with stainless steel furniture, cookers and a fridge. New windows replace the rotten ones and vertical blinds throughout add to the appeal of the place.  LED lighting has been installed inside and out, as well as a new boiler. Disabled access has been improved to the main entrance.

These are just some of the changes that have taken, and are taking, place, and more are planned. Already, there are new name boards, information boards, tables and chairs along with security cameras to protect the site.

This is a big investment in the future of the centre and we are grateful for the financial support we have received from local individuals and organisations – including the Bradwell Parish Council – to allow all this to happen.

We have clubs and organisations of all sorts and new bookings have increased but there are still opportunities, especially during the daytime, for local clubs, organisations and businesses to hire the two halls and cottage meeting room at very good rates. We came out of lockdown with fresh vision and an exciting future which has already seen a lot of new activity at the place – especially with children’s parties

Would you like to be a part of this new, exciting venture? There are opportunities for you to get involved in a variety of ways. We are looking for forward thinking, community minded people who want to see the place thrive in the community, who want to see new exciting events taking place in Bradwell – not just at the centre itself. If you want to know more then contact us – see below for details.